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maria {Design Director}

Passionate Designer & Creative Director with a great attitude & years of design experience covering a wide range of fields + award winning, profit raising creatives to show for it! Love of design runs through my veins, I see beauty and design in everything & everywhere. Great design is always fluid  & evolving which fuels my desire to learn, grow & implement design in new and exciting ways.

Although image is not everything, it says a lot…and that is why I want each and every project I work on to be something that clients are proud of & LOVE...regardless of how large or small a project it is.


I'm a "Romantic" at heart. Give me the beach any day—If I could work under the shade of a cool palm tree, I would. I love fashion & a great pair of stilettos but I can throw down in a game of volleyball, basketball, football, dodgeball & now pickleball...yes, I like sports.


Let's make that happen.

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